Congress general secretary Priyanka Gandhi Vadra took up the cause of farmers of Uttar Pradesh on Saturday and demanded compensation for them whose crops were destroyed in hailstorm and heavy rains. Sharing a video in which farmers are seen speaking about their crop losses, Vadra tweeted: "Listen to problems of these farmers. Due to hailstorm and heavy rains, the crops were destroyed in many places of Uttar Pradesh. Many farmers have lost up to 80% of their crops.
हालांकि, प्रदेश की योगी सरकार ने कांग्रेस के इस दांव के दूरगामी परिणामों को देखते हुए तुरंत ऐलान किया कि अधिकारियों को नुकसान के आकलन और उसका उचित मुआवजा किसानों को दिलाने के निर्देश दिए गए हैं।
#PriyankaGandhi #CMYogi #Hailstorm